2012 m. gegužės 12 d., šeštadienis


While studying ESP English course this semester I had to do a variety of exercise including ESP definitions tests, moodle tests, online listening practice, traditional listening, online exercises from Feldman's course book, power point presentations, short talks and speaking impromptu. And now I want to evaluate my performance on each of these tasks, so that I could clearly see what are my achievements. 

ESP definitions tests
There are lots of ESP definitions, and sometimes it is difficult to remember all of the meanings. Some tests were easy to do but some were not. Despite the difficulties I think my performance on these tasks was quite good, even though I might could do it better, I am happy about it.

Moodle tests
In my point of view moodle tests were sometimes confusing but quite easy and my performance was really good. I think it's a good idea to solidify students knowledge by doing these tests after each module. 

Online listening practice and traditional listening
Online listening tasks were much more easier than traditional listening. I think my online listening skills are quite good and I don't face serious difficulties while listening, deciding true or false statement is, matching synonyms and filling gaps. But i still need to improve my traditional listening skills, because for me it's quite difficult to understand.

Online exercises from Feldman's course book
Online exercises from Feldman's course book were almost the same as moodle tests. The main difference was that online exercises was a team work. I think my performance was quite good, but when I was working by my own on moodle tests, my performance was better.

Power point presentations
For me it was the most interesting task. I have made two presentations and one was team work with my colleague. Despite few mistakes I can evaluate myself really good because I enjoy doing this task and I think everyone else also enjoyed watching my presentations.

Short talks
My performance on short talks task was good and I am really happy about it. It was good idea to give not just one topic for all students but give several topics so that students can choose the topic that is most interesting for them to talk about. 

Speaking impromptu
Speaking impromptu probably was the most difficult task for me. Sometimes it was difficult to express myself and recollect the material I had read before also I found it difficult to remember some definitions. I think speaking impromptu is the task in witch I still have to improve my skills a lot.

To sum up, I think that I definitely gained more knowledge that I had before this semester. I am satisfied with my performance, even though at some tasks I could perform better. Over all I think I really improve my English but I still have a lot to learn. 

http://www.dogdetectiveagency.com/ckfinder/userfiles/images/Dog%20Detective%20Royalty%20Free%20Stock%20Photography.jpg (looked at 2012.04.12)
http://www.lessons4living.com/images/penclchk.gif (looked at 2012.04.12)
http://hashtagsocialmedia.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2009/05/improve-listening-skills.gif (looked at 2012.04.12)
http://www.lifeset.ca/images/ph_speaking.jpg (looked at 2012.04.12)

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